A Story from the Secret Side of an African River

(All proceeds donated to BirdLife South Africa)

Put yourself in a canoe floating down an African river. Idly watch the bushfolk leading their secretive, busy lives.

Let your mind drift and imagine …

What if they had the same technology as us? What adventures would they have?

This book is filled with humour reminiscent of The Wind in the Willows, with an African techo twist! Suitable for early teens and adult reading.  A bushveld love story set on the Zambezi River to nurture a passion of birds and wildlife through many generations.

Genre: Fiction

Author: Ro Neall

This is a first novel inspired by a visit to the Zambezi in April 2013.

The book seemed to write itself and would not let the author rest until it was done.

Ro Neall is a third generation African  but is a ‘cosmopolitan’ – someone who likes to walk in many worlds.

ISBN: 978-0-473-34382-8

May 2016